Steps to Use Curbside:

If you don't already have the app please scan the QR Code below to download the app. If you are on your phone there are buttons below that will allow you to download it to your android or iPhone!

Thank you for downloading our app! It's actually designed to help you with more than just curbside pickup. You can create profiles for your household and have their medications sorted by those profiles, as well as submit them to us directly from the app!

Step 1: After you download the app, create a login and then a profile. You'll see an option for Inbox. Click on that and verify your phone number.

Step 2: Inside the Inbox, you'll see an option for start a conversation. When you get to the store, click on that or you can use it before you arrive to the store, in case you have any questions. Let us know where you are parked and what vehicle you are driving and we will bring your items out to you.

  • qr-code.png
  • android_store.png
  • ios_store.png

Thanks for choosing Abeldt's Gaslight Pharmacy!